Ahmad Shah Massoud’s image displayed for the first time in the Iconic Times Square of New York City

The Massoud Foundation USA for the 22nd anniversary of the National Hero of Afghanistan, Ahmad Shah Massoud displyed his image in the middle of Times Square , New York City.

Paris, France inaugaurates alley in the prestigious Champs Elysées Gardens after Ahmad Shah Massoud

A year after the Massoud Foundation USA annoucing Ahmad Shah Massoud day in the United States, we sucessfully in cooperation with the Mayor of Paris Ann Hidalgo, and other French Government officals “inaugurated Alle Du Commandant Massoud” on September 9th, 2021.

First Ever Ahmad Shah Massoud Day Announced In The United States

September 9th, 2020 directly as a result of the Massoud Foundation USA’s efforts became the first day in history that “Ahmad Shah Massoud Day” was celebrated outside of Afghanistan & within the United States. The United State’s 8th largest city, San Diego; nicknamed “America’s Finest City” passed the proclamation with bi-partisan support.

Parwan Flashfloods

Approx . 200 deaths, mostly women and children; More than 300+ people either injured or missing (likely trapped under debris); More than500+ homes have been destroyed and; An estimated 5000+ people who required shelter and basic necessities.

The Massoud Foundation USA launched efforts in coordination with both the Watan Project & The Massoud Foundation Australia raised and distributed $40,000.00 USD and helped 180 families.